Monday Mar 25, 2013
Ep 20 Candy Dinner Podcast - Iffy Nwadiwe & Matt Apple-Doctor
Monday Mar 25, 2013
Monday Mar 25, 2013
Iffy Nwadiwe and Matt Apple-Doctor from the Candy Dinner Podcast stop by p-cast.
We discuss horrible open-mic's at the liquid zoo. Iffy's love for playboy magazines. And the Apple-Doctor's recent loss of virginity. The three of us then stage an on-podcast suicide for ratings.
Eric talks about the Candy Dinner Podcast segments where they drive through to get fast food.
Eric explains that he's from New Jersey, and that's why he talks so much shit. It's cultural for him. This starts a discussion about East Coasters VS West Coasters.
Josh Nichols is mentioned, and Eric explains his feud. Apple-Doctor disagrees and loves Josh. Iffy is in the middle. Eric's anti-Josh tirade continues.
Because the podcast is recorded in Eric's car off Hollywood, BLVD, we were often distracted due to beautiful women walking around us.
Was the HAARP Facility used to create Hurricane Sandy. Iffy is highly skeptical of this story, and rants about how people google whatever they want to hear, instead of learning about science.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is mentioned without remembering the name of the bill.
Eric talks about Scientology's Operation Show White, where Scientologists broke into the FBI headquarters and tried to steal the files the FBI had on them.
Apple-Doctor brings up a smear campaign that Scientology used against either Barry Mannalow or Rod Stewart, where they told the press Barry Mannalow had seamen pumped from his stomach, because he said critical of Scientology.
Iffy starts to rant about BET and Kwanzaa.
So much more. Listen in!
Cast: Eric Hollerbach, Matt Apodaca, Ifechukwude Ijeoma Nwadiwe
Iffy's Site
Candy Dinner Podcast
Puppet Mayhem
Flappers April 6th 2013 9:30pm YooHoo Room
Theme song: Thrift Shop Featuring Wanz) - Single (Mackemore & Ryan Lewis)
Saturday Mar 23, 2013
Ep 19 - Devin Murphy & Stephen Ji
Saturday Mar 23, 2013
Saturday Mar 23, 2013
Eric and Devin talk about having Liberal Arts degrees, and a man who attained a doctorate in Avant-Guarde art by putting a buttplug up his butt and making a spaghetti poo.
The conversation turns to the upcoming web series "Here Comes Godot," which will be out around January 2014.
In this web series is about struggling actors who put on a production of, "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett.
We ask if the legal system and lawyers are like witchcraft.
We break down the financial problems of Cyprus. We also break down the Queen of England and the Pope.
Eric asks why pedophile priests aren't ritualistically neutered. It's also brought up that non-neutered pope is having wet-dreams or masterbating.
The new pope has Acknoledged Jews.
We also talk about the future of technology, nano-bots and google glasses. And how people will turn into robots. And how the government is putting money towards the creation of a super-soldier.
The future of surgery will be robot-based. And the illusion of choice in America.
We talk Stephen Ji's birthday at Medieval Times. Eric complains about the incessant horsemanship he had to sit through during the dinner. Stephen doesn't remember most of the evening, because he became sick, and threw up from the alcohol.
Eric talks about the low ratings, and how the one-podcast-per-day has been a statistical failure.
Eric reveals the fact that he's a dog-puncher, and how he got in an argument with his roommate about punching his dog. Stephen wonders if dog fighting could look more like MMA, and become more legitimate as a sport.
Lots of hookers walk by the car during the recording. A little God talk.
Stephen Ji's upcoming shows:
Theme song: Thrift Shop Featuring Wanz) - Single (Mackemore & Ryan Lewis)
Wednesday Mar 20, 2013
Ep 18 - One People's Public Trust - CONSPIRACY EPISODE
Wednesday Mar 20, 2013
Wednesday Mar 20, 2013
This episode is all about breaking down a radical banking conspiracy. It's not funny, so if you're here for hot steam talk, wait week.
In this episode I DJ an hour of my favorite conspiracy talk.
What is our money based on? A radical investigation team has formed an informational organization called the One People's Public Trust.
http://peoplestrust1776.org http://oppt-in.com
Jerry Kane was another guy on the internet making these claims. He published a seminar on the topic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWpA4YX6rio
He was killed by shadowy agents.
I also introduce a clip of an interview between David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford. These two internet conspiracy giants break down the financial system, and then talk royal bloodlines, shit gets nuts. Lots of links below.
They've also given fake gold to China in repayment for bonds created during the Marshall Plan after WWII.
Tutorial of One People's Public Trust
Fox Special that predicted 9/11One
Theme song: Thrift Shop Featuring Wanz) - Single (Mackemore & Ryan Lewis)
Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
Ep 17 - Silver Spring, Maryland - Home
Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
We stopped to see our cousin Kara. Eric remembers the last time he was in Maryland, the car stopped at a bikini car wash.
Tiger balm remembers a time when she first met Kara, and they gave her a makeover, with a short skirt. And went to go to a pool hall to pick up guys, by bending over the pool tables.
We also talk about the filthy state of the car, and how Tiger Balm would be fine with a bikini car was so long as the girls got all the grit off the tires, and rubbed bugs off the car windshield with their boobs.
Eric and Emily break down what it's like to be an Uncle / Aunt.
Emily spots a mysterious truck on the road, that she believes is full of fireworks.
Eric reads an alleged list of crimes.
My cousins Clark and Collin explain their encounters with Hot Steam. They also recall getting nailed with bean-bag chairs.
Collin explains how he wants to live off the land in Alaska. The Eagle explains that getting meat from a carcus, isn't a pleasant process. Especially because Collin is a picky eater.
Hapton Inn, we clean our duvet covers.
Eric also tells a story about farting in a sensory delervation tunnel at the liberty science center, and make other kids crawl through his fart.
Mama love is trying to set Tiger Balm up with a funeral director.
Theme song: Thrift Shop Featuring Wanz) - Single (Mackemore & Ryan Lewis)
Monday Mar 18, 2013
Ep 16 - Charlotte, NC
Monday Mar 18, 2013
Monday Mar 18, 2013
Tiger Balm gives a breakdown of illegal activities that definitely did not happen during the road-trip.
Tiger Balm and The Eagle break down Georgia and Alabama, that from the highway it appears to be full of Churches and Waffle-houses. They stop to eat at a waffle house, only to find that it's full of church people.
Emily starts the morning by hot-steaming The Eagle with the use of, "Fart Yoga Maneuvers." And realize that they shouldn't say anymore until Tiger Balm can patent a video series.
Eric also opens up about how the ribs caused a poo-mergency.
Eric talks about how he often hears Tiger Balm fart before he'll register, that a fart has occurred.
We stayed with Emily's old college roommate, just outside Charlotte. They were awesome hosts!
Emily went to Scranton, PA, where NBC's The Office, is located in the show, but actually films in Los Angeles.
The Eagle again shows his distain for deserts, he tells residents of deserts to move.
We went to a Nightclub in Charlette. And the Eagle talks boner dancing, and bathroom drug dealers. Emily's friend Sharon stopped a tranny rape. This is the most controversial episode yet!
Tell your friends. Send a tweet that you liked our show. Give us a rating in iTunes.
Theme song: Thrift Shop Featuring Wanz) - Single (Mackemore & Ryan Lewis)
Monday Mar 18, 2013
Ep 15 - Hotlanta, GA
Monday Mar 18, 2013
Monday Mar 18, 2013
Eric proves that he's not a yuppie by singing the yuppie-proof song, "No Scrubs," by female R&B group TLC. Then Eric proposes a new olympic event where someone poops, and people take bets on exactly what's going to come out. One log? Two logs? How many farts? The betting line?
Tiger Balm explains why girls should't give eye contact to guys on the street.
Then we talk about our Hotlanta Segway tour.
Also, The Eagle and Tiger Balm finally find a firework store, and go on a shopping spree.
Eric continues to go through stand-up material that Tiger Balm isn't impressed with.
Eric and Emily argue about the car being overly packed with Emily's stuff.
They talk about their displeasure for rubberneckers.
Mama Love makes her first appearance on the show. This is when Tiger Balm's manipulative side came out. Tiger Balm started a string of lies, breaking trust between the family. Luckily The Eagle swooped in to mend the fences between the arguing women.
Theme song: Thrift Shop Featuring Wanz) - Single (Mackemore & Ryan Lewis)
Monday Mar 11, 2013
Ep 14 - Louisiana - Lake Charles & New Orleans 2 Hour Super Show
Monday Mar 11, 2013
Monday Mar 11, 2013
** Fixed Version**
Eric starts Highway Diary talking to a street artist in the French Quarter called Darrel. Darrel talks about growing up in the bayou. Darrell talks about his cousin "Arrow," who would jump on alligators. We also learn about milking snakes, and hear a UFO story from the Bayou.
Then we go on a ghost tour with:
Listen to clips from that.
We interview our Bayou Tour Guide
Then, from New Orleans, we head to Lake Charles, and stay at the L'Auberge Casino. Eric talks about losing money at craps, and how it's a very intimidating game. Also the shitty "Comp Card" system, and how it should be replaced by greasy, sweaty italians, who hand out free dinners.
Emily gives some corporate horror stories, and how her open complaining about the company sometimes worked out.
We talk Maury Povich pregnancy tests, and the heartbreak it causes.
Eric also summons a ghost in their New Orleans hotel, which scares the heck out of Tiger Balm.
We meet lots of awesome characters. Lots of fun topics. This is the very special Louisiana Super Show!!
Theme song: Thrift Shop Featuring Wanz) - Single (Mackemore & Ryan Lewis)
Monday Mar 04, 2013
Ep 13 - Houston, TX
Monday Mar 04, 2013
Monday Mar 04, 2013
Tiger Balm starts the show, not wanting to record. Eric then employed a Hollywood manager catch-phrases to psyche Tiger Balm up for recording. He calls her his, Beautiful Golden Pony, Gitter Angel, ect. All in an effort to boost her spirits. However, Tiger Balm isn't impressed, she just thinks it's creepy.
We then Chat traffic, and give the audience a little taste of Houston. As we have an actual face-to-face encounter with FiFi for a Vietnamese dinner.
Also, Highway Diary gets pulled over, or did we?
The epic roman candle fight, complete with pizza box shields. And our search for fireworks.
Tiger Balm and The Eagle talk Halliburton Fracking.
Eric talks about getting into an awful toilet in Texas, with a glory hole.
We talk about Bill Schnoebelen's claims about fucking a demon to attain a high level occult degree in the Illuminati.
Tiger Balm and The Eagle talk about manipulative cancer charities.
Theme song: Thrift Shop Featuring Wanz) - Single (Mackemore & Ryan Lewis)
Monday Feb 25, 2013
Ep 12 - White Girl Drunk & Hot Steam & Austin, TX
Monday Feb 25, 2013
Monday Feb 25, 2013
Highway Diary starts off with an interview with members of the Austin chapter of the Women in Black for Peace. They were literally a group of women wearing black shirts, and protesting for peace. They gave us a great interview.
Afterwords, we hit the road and introduce the already infamous "Hot Steam" incident.
We also learn what getting "Bummed In" means.
Tiger Balm recalls a story of getting White Girl Drunk, and finds herself at a party of Asians.
Eric makes a startling confession, and apology to Shaun Lewin and the Self Indulgent podcast. Eric reveals a story of experimenting buttplay with an ex-girlfriend.
Eric has made several comments harassing Shaun's admiration for buttplay, despite details from this graphic story.
The Eagle also rants about the mass production of male prostate stimulators, and is angry that his prostate isn't wired to feel pleasure.
Theme song: Thrift Shop Featuring Wanz) - Single (Mackemore & Ryan Lewis)
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Ep 11 - Roswell, New Mexico
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Monday Feb 18, 2013
On this very special episode of Highway Diary, we sit down with our first guest. The director of the the Rosewell, New Mexico UFO Museum and Research Center, Mark Briscoe.
We get into a heated discussion about conspiracy's.
We discus Area 51, and Wright Patterson Air force Base.
We also ask the big questions, "Should the government be allowed to keep some information from the public?" "What about secrets about aliens?" "What other secrets should the government keep from us?"
Then a huge debate ensues about a free energy economy.